Filling Interview Slots Appointment Reminders Sales Call Reminders Internal Reminders Scheduling a Next Appointment Appointment Follow-Ups

Appointment Scheduling Text Message Templates

More appointments get scheduled through text messaging.

That’s why we’re giving you these text message templates to jumpstart how your team sets, confirms, and keeps appointments on the books. 

Note that these text templates are intended to be examples you use to create your own. We do not recommend directly copying and pasting them into Text Request's Templates feature, without first editing them and their [brackets] to fit your needs. These [brackets] will not automatically pull custom info and are only meant to be placeholder examples.

1. Job Interview Text Message Templates to Round Up the Best Candidates

Take the leap and text qualified job candidates first. You’re going to get a response much faster than if you were playing phone tag or waiting on an email. Here are a few text examples to help you do it:

Template 1: “Congrats [Name]! We want to interview you for the [title] position. Do you have time on [day] or [day] at [time] to come in?”

Template 2: “Hey [Name], will you come by my office today, to discuss [topic]?”

Template 3: “Hi [Name], thanks for applying for [position]. We are reviewing resumes and will follow up in the next week if we’d like to interview you.”

Template 4: “Hey team, we have three different [topic] training classes for you to come to. [dates and times]. Please respond with the time you want. Space is limited and is first come.”

Check out our list of templates specifically for the hiring process.

2. Appointment Reminder Message Templates to Eliminate No-Shows

No-shows are the enemy, but SMS appointment reminders can help you defeat them. Especially when you include a link for customers to reschedule if something pops up at the last second. 

Sharing your business's no-show rates or no-show policies within those texts can gently encourage customers to avoid missed appointments. Try some of these appointment SMS examples:

Template 5: “Thanks for sending your appointment confirmation! Use [link] if you need to reschedule for any reason."

Template 6: “Your appointment is at [time] today. Open [link] for more information on [service] and our no-show policy.”

Template 7: “[Name], just a friendly reminder that your appointment is at [time] today. Let us know if you can still make it.”

We book about 2,000 appointments every week using Text Request.”
Brandon Hensley, Founder & Owner
Tangerine Salon

3. SMS Meeting Reminders to Keep More Sales Calls

Move more prospects through your sales cycle, faster by engaging with leads over text. It only takes one message to grab their attention and get them to take the next step. Try these text examples to keep more meetings:

Template 8: “[Name], I saw your request come through. Do you have a few minutes to talk through it?”- [Rep], [Company]"

Template 9: “Hey [Name], it was great talking to you today! Looking forward to touching base next week.”

Template 10: “Hi [Name], do you have time today to discuss options in regards to [topic]? It shouldn’t take more than [x] minutes. Thanks!”

Template 11: “Hi [Name], good to hear from you. There are a few details. When do you have a couple of minutes to talk through things?”

4. SMS Examples for Improve Internal Meeting Communications

Keep everyone on the same page and make decisions faster by texting your team. A quick reminder text can get everyone on track before upcoming appointments and meetings. Here are sample messages to do it:

Template 12: “Hey team, are you all free [date and time] for our monthly recap? Let me know!”

Template 13: "We need to get together to talk through [topic/project]. How is [day] at [time]?"

Template 14: “Hey [Name], it’s time for your 6-month review. Can we meet at [date and time] in my office?”

Template 15: “[Name], I would love to talk with you! I have some free time [date and time]. Let me know if that works for you.”

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5. Text Message Templates to Schedule More Appointments

Cut through the noise with a text to schedule more services. You’ll get more customers in your books before they go to competitors. Here are a few appointment scheduling message examples to try:

Template 16: “Hi [Name], when is a good time to meet you at [location] to check out your [issue]? We will have someone there on [date].”

Template 17: “Hey [Name], we have a slot open on [date and time] for your [service]. Does that work for you?”

Template 18: “Thanks for wanting to use [Business Name]. When can you come by to discuss more details?”

Template 19: “Hi [Name], you had an appointment on [date], but we just had a recent opening on [date]. Would you like to change your appointment?”


6. SMS Follow-Up Message Examples to Send After Appointments

Clients need a reason to come back and work with you, even if you provided a great service the first time. Foster relationships and re-engage clients when you text them reminders to schedule their next visit. Use these SMS follow-up messages to do it:

Template 20: “Hi [Name], we hope that your [service] went well. We’d love to hear how it went: : [link] Use that survey link to tell us more.”

Template 21: “[Name], it was great to see you today! We’d like to follow up with you in [number of days or weeks]. Let us know what day will work best for you!”

Template 22: "Hi [Name]. We missed you at your [service] appointment today. Text or call us back at this number to reschedule your appointment.”

Template 23: "Hey [Name]! Did you know that we have a referral program? If you refer a friend or family, you’ll get a special discount on your next [service]. Text or call us to learn more."

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